About me

It all started as a division. Or maybe that’s not the real beginning, but what is important is that I finally found myself.

This is the story of the reconciliation with myself, where art is the main protagonist.

I don’t feel like an artist, although I have an insatiable and irrepressible desire to create and express. Why then don’t I feel like an artist? I still don’t know. Perhaps, when I was more actively doing arts, it was a terrible time in my life, that I don’t want to remember, and for a long time I associated my artistic practice with it. Afterward, art was for me something conflicting, but in addition I thought it was useless and superfluous. Pure vanity, as Borges said and also as Wilde described it.

But in the exercise of this “useless practice”, I learned that it is neither useless nor superfluous. I started listening to the people who were going along the way with me, I mean to you, to your voices. Yes, yours! Telling me, that in this too often so monstrous and hopeless world, art can be the hope. And not only that. We will see what else. Sincerely, thanks so much! Really!

Logo los trazos de Bea

There are days when I would go from subject to subject, finding beauty everywhere and in every creature. Those days, when everything inspires me, when my subjects and motifs find me yearning to be painted, I would paint and paint without wanting to stop. On other days, when I struggle against the feeling that everything is useless, I realize that art sustains me and that in difficult times, we need the refuge of art more than ever. Through my art, I explore different forms of expression to trace the constant changes and capture the beauty and subject diversity in my surroundings.

I’m Bea, an artist uncovering beauty in her surroundings and capturing what is considered ordinary into artistic memories. Experience with me the wonders of the ordinary! Let’s explore our surroundings and ourselves through art, illustration, and sketching, and let my work inspire your passion and imagination.