Wheat fields in Sommer

Wahlheimat, “Home of Choice” — Exhibition

Home is where the hearth feels free

A tour through the common places, and also not so common places of Geismar and surroundings.

The watercolor paintings are the result of one month challenge during September 2021, each day painting outside. Most of the soft pastels are part of a journey through a year, from summer 2020 to Summer 2021, in which the seasons are the focus and driving motif. The changes in the landscape, the environment, and the mood, reflect the accents of each season.

It started in Summer 2020, when I came back from France and was captivated by the subtle beauty of the wheat fields. I felt touched by the landscape so beautifully, and then a painting journey started. Two paintings per season show different views of the same locations along the year, and are the reflect of the beauty surrounding us.

From the 15th august and to the 23 of September, my exhibition “Wahlheimat” (“Home of Choice”) was held at the Brot Gallery, AWO Kunst.Hand.Werk. in Göttingen. A heartfelt gratitude to their work in supporting artists on our journey and to Gabi, for her incredible support during the process.

The exhibition paintings are also part of a mapping project. Each painting is geolocated, so everyone can follow the route online on Google Earth “Wahlheimat in Soft pastels” or Google Maps. The watercolor journey can be seeing here using Google Earth and here for Google Maps.